Ad Requirements
All ads should be designed in CMYK, 300dpi, and exported as a press-ready PDF.
Sponsor ads for the gala program are due on September 28, 2018
$75 - Tribute Listing

$150 - Mini Business Card
2.375" wide x 1.625" tall

$250 - Quarter Page Ad
2.375" wide x 3.375" tall

$500 - Half Page Ad
5" wide x 3.375" tall

$750 - Full Page Ad
5" wide x 7" tall

$2,000 - Center Spread
10.5" wide x 7" tall (or 2 ads placed side by side 5" wide x 7" tall/each)

$2,500 - Inside Front or Inside Back Cover (If Available)
5.5" wide x 7.5" tall with .125" bleed